Christmas Dinner Meeting 2012

Christmas Dinner Meeting 2012
Michelle Pratley was thanked by Ieva Wilson

Monday, December 5, 2011

Reading for Life Award 2011

Vice President Susan Hammond presented a book voucher to Liza Croker, a year 7 student at Crookwell High School. This is in recognition of Liza's achievements in reading. well done Liza!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy 27th Birthday Crookwell VIEW!

A lovely dinner with great company and a very entertaining guest speaker, Sister Bernadette Mary from Taralga.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Aspects of the Orient,konnichiwa Crookwell!
Our guest speaker for May was Jenny Readhead who has visited Japan many times. Jenny was accompanied by an almost life size Sumo wrestler, well actually he was depicted on a curtain.
Jenny travelled by train and immersed herself in the local culture.
From the atomic blast museum to the colourful festivals with archers on horseback, from the monks in the mountain temples to the elaborate tea ceremonies and the new season green tea ice cream, Jenny has experienced it all and had the audience captivated.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Australia Day Celebrations

What a wonderful celebration it was! Four members told of their journeys to living in Crookwell. Thank you to Leslie, Patrice, Janelle and Trevene for making us laugh and cry.Each had only 10 minutes to convey a life time of events, although Trevene, as a Gemini, felt she should have double that!
This is always a popular night and with our rapidly expanding membership there are many more stories just waiting to be told...
Our next meeting is our AGM on February 22nd, see you all there.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

VIEW Club donates book voucher

Luke O'Brien, a student in Year 7 at Crookwell High School was presented with a book voucher by Vice President Susan Hammond. Luke was recognised for his achievements in reading - well done Luke!
VIEW Club raises funds for The Smith Family and this is just one of the many initiatives helping students to realise their full potential.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas comes to Crookwell!

Well where do I start? What a wonderful evening last night! Almost 80 members and guests celebrated another year of friendship with VIEW. The committee have been doing a lot of meeting and planning- and with our collective fingers crossed- the dinner turned out to be a huge success.
Two of our members, Sylvia and Jan have been otherwise engaged. Sylvia has been with her daughter welcoming a new arrival- congratulations Sylvia and family !! Jan has been in hospital after a fall, resulting in a broken femur and other complications. Jan is doing well now and although we missed these two stalwarts of the VIEW experience, we put on our 'L' plates and trainer wheels and did our very best!
With inspiration from Susan we decorated the tables with holly, silver flowers and red berries. Anne brought along her Christmas tree which lit up the stage so beautifully. Bev and myself had spent an evening working out the seating plan and this seemed to work well - looking at the animated conversations and smiling faces around the room. Christine and Ambar are a great team and they effortlessly balanced the books yet again! Justene -raffle ticket queen, Ieva who brought her extensive collection of Christmas CD's and helped Bev to get everyone to their table. Margaret must have walked miles around the room with the raffle draw and Patrice keeping us in the 'loop' with our newsletters and information- what a team!
to anyone reading this we wish you a wonderful Christmas and very best wishes for 2011. VIEW promotes friendship to all :)

May Dinner Meeting

May Dinner Meeting
Patrice and Jenny

Australia Day Celebrations

Australia Day Celebrations

Luke O'Brien and Susan Hammond

Luke O'Brien and Susan Hammond

National Convention in Canberra celebrating 50 years

National Convention in Canberra celebrating 50 years

Unity plays at VIEW

Unity plays at VIEW

Sylvia Margaret and Maggie